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Refresher on multiple regression for the applied researcher

Refresher on multiple regression for the applied researcher

A 6-hour workshop taught by Steve Porter, Ph.D.

Overview of our refresher on multiple regression workshop

Many researchers have taken a course that covers multiple regression, the statistical workhorse of the social sciences, but have forgotten much of what they learned. The goal of this workshop is to review many of the main concepts of regression, from the perspective of the applied researcher (in other words, we won’t be reviewing any proofs!). The workshop focuses on 1) the underlying statistical assumptions, what happens when they are violated, and simple ways to address violations, 2) interpreting a variety of regression coefficients correctly, and 3) model fit.

Who should attend?

The target audience is researchers who have taken a statistics course that covered multiple regression at some point, but who have forgotten some of the basics. Researchers who know univariate statistics and would like to learn more about multiple regression are welcome, but should realize that this is not a complete course on multiple regression. Software demonstrations will use Stata, but syntax and output from SAS and SPSS will be included for participants who use those software packages in their work.

SPSS users: You must have the SPSS Regression Module to be able to run a logistic regression model.

Presented in an easy to understand manner. Very good in answering questions. Workshop developed well for target audience.

The instructor articulated the concepts very clearly and answered all questions thoroughly and effectively. We were also given great resources for future reference.

This was a very helpful "refresher". The instructor seemed to pitch this at the right level. I learned a lot and the pacing was spot on.


1. Review the assumptions of regression

2. Model fit

3. Interpretation of regression coefficients